Holter Monitoring Holter Monitors

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry

The market of ambulatory cardiac monitoring has been revolutionized by the introduction of Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT or MCOT™) monitoring, which is considered to be the most exciting technology in this field. MCT stands out as a unique form of ambulatory cardiac monitoring due to its advanced real-time analysis technology. This technology has the potential to reduce costs and enhance the diagnostic quality of electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring for outpatients.

While MCT remains a relatively new diagnostic tool in the realm of ambulatory cardiac monitoring, this section aims to evaluate the following aspects:

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry – Real-Time ECG Monitoring 

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry monitoring is widely regarded as the most advanced and effective form of outpatient ECG monitoring. It operates by automatically detecting and transmitting cardiac abnormalities in real time to a diagnostic laboratory via a cell phone.

Indications of Use 

Since the introduction of MCT monitoring, there has been some confusion regarding its appropriate usage compared to more traditional monitoring diagnostic tools like Holter Monitoring and Cardiac Event Monitoring. This section aims to clarify the indications for ordering a mobile cardiac telemetry study versus other options.

MCT or Cardiac Event Monitor? 

With the advent of Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) monitoring, there is often confusion about whether to choose a traditional Cardiac Event Monitor or an MCT monitor. Our analysis provides detailed information to help determine the appropriate use of these two different long-term studies.

MCT versus MCOT® versus ACT® 

There are various acronyms used in the industry to discuss Mobile Cardiac Telemetry, such as MCT, MCOT®, and ACT®. These acronyms typically correspond to specific brands of mobile cardiac telemetry devices offered by different companies. This section aims to clarify the differences between them.

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT & MCOT™) Companies 

MCT represents an advanced monitoring technology, and this section presents a list of companies manufacturing MCT devices in the U.S., along with a summary of their strengths.

MCT Service & Reseller Companies 

The provision of Mobile Cardiac Telemetry services is a lucrative market, attracting many companies attempting to enter the business by reselling and offering MCT services using products from original equipment manufacturers (OEM). This section provides information on these service and reseller companies.

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Monitors 

Our expert analysis evaluates and compares each of the Mobile Cardiac Telemetry devices available in the U.S. There are significant differences in features, benefits, capabilities, and reporting among these devices.

Reimbursement Models for MCT 

An emerging reimbursement model for Mobile Cardiac Telemetry is one of the best-kept secrets in Cardiology. Previously, only service companies profited from using MCT, but now physicians and clinics can also benefit financially. This section sheds light on the reimbursement opportunities associated with MCT.

Free Downloads:

  • Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) Monitor Comparison
  • JACC Review of Ambulatory Cardiac (AECG) Monitoring Technology
  • Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Company Comparison
  • Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Reimbursement Guide

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