Patient Information

MCT Monitoring

If you are a patient and your physician prescribes a long-term cardiac monitoring study, you may be asking what is mobile cardiac telemetry and what are its advantages over other monitoring options?

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) is a relatively new technology in the world of ambulatory cardiac monitoring, and it is gaining popularity due to its many advantages over other long-term monitoring options. MCT is a real-time ECG monitor that automatically detects and transmits any ECG abnormalities via cell phone technology to an accredited diagnostic laboratory for professional review. This technology is significant because it allows for constant monitoring of the patient’s ECG, enabling quick detection of any cardiac abnormalities.

Compared to traditional event monitors, which are used to detect only symptoms felt by the patient, MCT monitoring is far less labor-intensive for the patient. The MCT monitor has the capability of transmitting both symptoms felt by the patient as well as abnormalities that are not felt by the patient. Additionally, the communication is constant, making it easy to transmit any messages that need to be conveyed to the patient via standard cell phone technology.

MCT monitoring is considered to be the wave of the future for several reasons. Firstly, it captures cardiac abnormalities in real-time, making it a superior method for detecting ECG abnormalities. The expedited nature of MCT can potentially improve diagnostic care and lower healthcare costs over the long run. Secondly, MCT monitoring is highly accurate, as it has the ability to detect and transmit even minor changes in the ECG, which could go unnoticed by other monitoring methods.

MCT monitoring is especially beneficial for patients with heart conditions that require long-term monitoring, such as arrhythmias, as well as those who may experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations. It is also useful for patients who have previously been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, as the MCT monitor can detect asymptomatic events or abnormalities that may not be felt by the patient.

In summary, mobile cardiac telemetry is a cutting-edge technology that allows for constant monitoring of the patient’s ECG and real-time detection of cardiac abnormalities. Its advantages over other long-term monitoring options make it a promising tool for improving diagnostic care and reducing healthcare costs in the long run.

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