Patient Information

Holter Monitoring

A Holter Monitor is a device that records your heart’s electrical activity over a 24-hour period. It is a non-invasive test that involves wearing a small, portable device that is attached to your chest via electrodes. The device records your heart’s electrical activity while you go about your normal daily activities, such as sleeping, exercising, and working.

The Holter Monitor is commonly used by physicians to diagnose heart problems that may not be detected during a routine office visit or 12-lead EKG test. This type of testing is particularly useful for patients who experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, syncope or light-headedness, dizziness, or skipped beats. These symptoms may be sporadic and not present during a routine visit, so recording the heart’s electrical activity over a 24-hour period can provide a more comprehensive view of your heart’s behavior.

The Holter Monitor is also useful for patients who have already been diagnosed with a heart condition, such as coronary artery disease or an arrhythmia. In these cases, the monitor can help physicians detect any asymptomatic events or abnormalities in the heart’s electrical activity that may not be felt by the patient. Detecting these abnormalities can help predict future adverse events and inform treatment decisions.

During the monitoring period, it is important to keep a diary of your activities and symptoms, such as when you exercised, what you ate, and when you experienced any symptoms. This information will help your physician correlate any changes in your heart’s electrical activity with your daily activities and symptoms.

After the monitoring period, you will return the device to your physician’s office. The data will then be downloaded and analyzed by a technician or physician who specializes in reading Holter Monitor results. Your physician will review the results with you and discuss any findings or recommended treatments.

Overall, Holter Monitoring is a safe, painless, and effective diagnostic tool that can provide valuable information about your heart’s electrical activity and help your physician make informed decisions about your care.

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