BardyDx Carnation
The BardyDx Carnation is the preferred choice among most patients compared to traditional cardiac monitors due to its lightweight and convenient features. This peel & stick wearable device eliminates the need for traditional lead wires and allows for wearing during showering or bathing. Weighing approximately 1 ounce, the EZecg Patch is typically worn for a period of 3-7 days.
Key Features of the BardyDx Carnation Patch:
- Small and lightweight wearable Holter patch
- Easy peel & stick application without the use of lead wires
- Single Channel ECG Recording
- Continuous AECG monitoring for up to 7 days
- Resistant to water and showers
- Unique placement for enhanced patient compliance
- Utilizes proprietary P-Wave analysis for detecting Atrial Fibrillation
- Provides detailed daily and final reports
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