EZecg Patch
Hemodynamics Company takes great pride in introducing the EZecg Patch, a revolutionary solution for long-term continuous ECG monitoring, also known as long-term Holter monitoring. The EZecg Patch represents one of the latest advancements in wearable ambulatory cardiac monitoring patches available in the US market. Many experts consider it to be a superior alternative to traditional 24-hour Holter monitoring.
Patients widely prefer the EZecg Patch over traditional cardiac monitors due to its unique features. This peel-and-stick wearable device is lightweight and eliminates the need for cumbersome lead wires. Moreover, the EZecg Patch is designed to be worn during activities like showering or bathing without any inconvenience. Weighing just approximately 1 ounce, it is typically worn for a duration of 3-7 days.
Key features of the EZecg Patch include:
- Unrivaled as the smallest wearable patch currently available in the market.
- Eliminates the use of traditional lead wires.
- Water-resistant design.
- No external batteries required.
- Offers 7-14 days of uninterrupted ECG monitoring.
- Records a single channel ECG.
- Improves patient compliance.
- Provides a comprehensive final report.
To download a detailed comparison between the EZecg Patch and traditional Holter monitors, please click on the “Holter Monitor Comparison” link.